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Privacy Policy

Compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation

The following privacy policy, which applies to this website, complies with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, effective from 25th May 2018.

Collection and / or processing of personal data

This website does not collect any personal data whatsoever from visitors or process any such data. Specifically this website does not use cookies, Google Analytics, or any other technology that collects either anonymous data or data relating to identifiable individuals.

Storage of personal data (photographs)

This website contains photographs of work carried out by Alan Wisbeach. The photographs were taken with the permission of Alan’s customers in the knowledge that the photographs could be publicly displayed on the Internet.

Storage of personal data (reviews)

This website reproduces reviews of Alan Wisbeach. The reviews were originally posted by Alan’s customers in the knowledge that those reviews would be publicly displayed on the Internet.

Treatment of photographs and reviews

Alan Wisbeach will comply with all reasonable requests received from customers whose property is shown in photographs stored on the website or the authors of reviews stored on the website that are made pursuant to the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, effective from 25th May 2018.

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